A few dark spots appeared on my face some time ago. The remainder of acne exposed to the sunlight. You probably know they’re really hard to remove. Luckily, I made it! Now, my skin is smooth and radiant. I’ve decided to reveal my secret and share with you home methods to get rid of discolorations.
What are discolorations?
Discolorations are changes in skin tone caused by acne, scars or other epidermis damages. Dark spots also occur when the skin ages, the production of melanin is disturbed or you take some pharmaceuticals. Discoloration appears after long sunbathes when your skin isn’t protected by sunscreen. It usually occurs on the forehead, cheeks and chin, and can be the symptom of serious diseases.
How to deal with discolorations?
I’ve tested a few easy tricks that made my skin smooth; they removed or reduced discolorations. Some of the methods:
- lemon juice – the yellow fruit has amazing brightening properties. All you need to do is cleanse the skin with lemon juice every day. Saturate a cotton pad with a few drops of lemon juice and wipe your face skin. Additionally, you can use products enriched with vitamin C or AHA acids. Do you know that onion works in a similar way? It successfully lightens the spots thus it’s a common ingredient of pharmaceuticals;
- potato – it turns out that potatoes are good for something more than making french fries. They excellently remove discoloration and brighten the spots. Just put potato slices on your face and rinse the skin with tepid water after several minutes. You can make a potato mask. Grate one big potato and apply it to the skin;
- aloe – it doesn’t only brighten discoloration but also moisturises and soothes the skin. You can use products with aloe extract or fresh aloe leaf juice. Apply aloe vera juice to the face skin every day and see discolorations vanish. The skin will be firm, smooth and moisturised;
- exotic plants – they also work quite well. Try out curcuma or papaya to remove discolorations. Curcuma mask smoothes fine lines, cleanses skin pores and lightens spots. Papaya extract delivers a fresh and youthful looks.
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