Have you ever felt frustrated with your lashes, even after putting in the time and…
The Best Lash Extension Kit For Home Use? I Already Have My Favorite (Ranking)
Recently I decided to test some interesting products and prepare a ranking for you. This…
Is There A Perfect Mascara? Let’s Find Out!
Perfect mascara – sounds unreal? For me, too. However, over time I have learned that…
5 of the best brow gels – my ranking and review
Hello! I can’t imagine makeup without defined eyebrows. Even if what I do with them…
The newest #hit from Nanobrow – Eyebrow Styling Soap
Hey! Glad you’re here 🙂 I present you my newest discovery! It’s a unique brow…
Nanobrow Shape Mascara: I need you to know how great it is!
Hi there!Yes, I know that some people are born with naturally beautiful and bushy arches…
Make-up for brown eyes
Hey, darlings! Do you have brown eyes? Are you not sure what make-up to choose…
How to mascara your lashes to make them fabulously long and stunning?
Hey Girls! Are your eyelashes short? Do you want them to improve their appearance a…
Boy Brows. I Borrowed Eyebrows from My Boyfriend!
Hi, there! Thin, bushy, natural or arched? No way, girls! Brows must look in a…
My make-up removal routine. How I cleanse and take care of skin
Hello Girls, Probably all of you know that removing make-up is extraordinarily important. If you…